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В рамках импортозамещения разрабатываем и производим аналоги синхронных электроприводов и электрогенераторов производства США и Европы.

On Types of Traction Motors Used in the Leading Wheel Drive of Electric Passenger Vehicles

The article describes types of traction e-motors used in the leading wheel drive of battery electric passenger vehicles produced by different international manufacturers at the present time. The article analyzes European and Asian models of electric buses and shows a significantly increased use of different types of synchronous electric vehicles with rare-earth permanent magnets. The article analyzes drive kinematic systems used at the present, such as the ones with a single centre motor and with motors for driving each leading wheel. The range for specific powers of vehicles, as well as the most probable average value of specific powers, are determined. Electric buses with multi-motor drives and high maximum driving speeds (more than 70 km/h) have large values of specific powers. The article contains values of specific powers for traction electric motors at the rate from 0.75 to 3 kW /kg. The article describes motor operating conditions and determines the most probable operating modes. It concludes about the most optimal use of synchronous motors in the drive energized by high-quality rare-earth permanent magnets in terms of their maximum efficiency, overall dimensions and specific energy characteristics under these conditions.

Статья с названием "On Types of Traction Motors Used in the Leading Wheel Drive of Electric Passenger Vehicles" вышла к конференции "2021 Systems of signals generating and processing in the field of on board communications", прошедшей в Москве в период с 16 по 18 марта 2021 г.

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